Who We Support

Help us support those in need by donating your resources and sharing their cause with others.

Mike Barber Ministries

"Our ministry believes that no one is too far gone. We serve the incarcerated community to make a difference in our neighborhoods, cities, states, nation, and the world. We know that without intervention, sadly, too many will reoffend and end up back in the system. IF they return to jail or prison, we continue to see brokenness infiltrating individuals and families creating more hurt and pain in people, communities, and our society as a whole. The only way to change this is to go and give the hope that can change, heal, and restore lives: Jesus!"

Run Against Traffic

"Run Against Traffic exists to utilize the transformational power of running & community events to Rescue, Rehabilitate, and Restore the victims of human trafficking in our world."

"Run Against Traffic is able to serve victims of human trafficking because of supporters like you. Our hope at RAT is to provide financial resources to the people & programs that are working through the aftermath of damage left by human trafficking. Some we are able to openly support while others we know struggle to raise financial support due to the security and safety of those in recovery or on the frontlines of rescue."


All art, music and otherwise, from Jeremiah's Authority belongs to Jesus Christ. To donate towards supplies and equipment used in the recording, distributing, and creation of our Gospel driven music and art, or to support another fund, submit a Request To Donate below. All of the above ministries and outreaches can be donated to through their own accepted means. We have given everyone complete and total Read-Only access (excluding personal names and information which is stored separately and securely) to our entire Database of transactions (this does not include any personal information such as names, birthdays, or bank related info). All income, whether earned through media platforms or graciously given through donation, can be found with receipts (physical or screenshot). When you choose to donate through this site, you will receive an email with your donation number. After your donation is processed, you can find your donation in the Database.

Thank you for spreading the Good News by lending your hand to those in need.